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MFC-VTAR Furniture Technology Certification Course

MFC Secretariat Team

Application for SLDN Program 2020 – MFC-VTAR Furniture Technology Certification Course is now open!

Malaysian Furniture Council (MFC), VTAR Institute and Department of Skills Development (JPK) have jointly organized the Furniture Technology Certification Course since 2016 using the National Dual Training System (NDTS/SLDN). This program is currently providing training for Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) level 2 and level 3: Furniture Production Operation.

Companies who are interested to provide training opportunities for the new intake students in 2020, kindly prepare the application letter accordingly and return to us by January 6, 2020 (Monday). Please take note that, you are required to include below information in your application letter:

Name of Company and Syarikat SLDN Code (exp: SDXXXX)

Number of students your company is prepared to train

(coach to student ratio = 1:5, which mean that 1 coach can only train 5 students)

Name and details of personnel

(Staff who are nominated by company to coordinate, assist, and provide training for the students a personnel can hold both positions of PPB-SLDN and Coordinator at the same time personnel who hold the position of PPB-SLDN must be at management level coach must has minimum 3 years of industrial experience)

Company that wish to train both SKM Level 2 and Level 3 students need to prepare the application letters separately

If your personnel has attended the SLDN Induction Course and NDTS Coach Training Course before, kindly attach a copy of their certificateswith the application letter.

According to JPK requirements, all personnel who participate in the SLDN Program must attend the courses mentioned in order to be accredited. Thus, we will arrange to conduct the courses for the newly nominated personnel in coming time.



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