Dear esteemed MFC members,
For your information MITI will be using a new system known as MITI Dialogue Management System (MITI DMS) for the administration matters for the MITI Dialogue programme from this year onwards.
This new system is a holistic alternative such as the application of memorandum from MITI, submission of memorandum as well as respond from MITI.
However, in order to ensure stakeholders are aware of this new system, MITI has decided to organise a briefing event.
Details of the event are below:
Date: June 27, 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 8.30am – 1.00pm
Venue: Dewan Perdana, Menara MITI, Kuala Lumpur
Interested participants can register their attendance at by June 12, 2023 (Monday)
NOTE: Please be noted that only 2 (TWO) representatives per organisation are allowed to participate in this event. Participants are required to bring your own gadget to the event.
For further enquiry kindly contact Fauzi (03- 6200 0464)/ Syafiqah (03- 6207 1090)/ Fairul (03-6207 1152)/ Afiqah (03- 6200 0469).
Thank You
MFC Secretariat
马来西亚国际贸易及工业部对话管理系统 (MITI DMS) 汇报会
诚致全体 MFC 会员:
谨此通知,即日起马来西亚国际贸易及工业部(MITI)将使用一个名为马来西亚国际贸易及工业部对话管理系统 (MITI DMS) 的新系统来处理马来西亚国际贸易及工业部对话计划的事务。
然而,为了确保业者了解这个新系统,MITI将召开一项 简报会。
时间:上午 8.30 – 下午 1.00
地点:Dewan Perdana, Menara MITI, Kuala Lumpur
有兴趣参与者可在 2023 年 6 月 12 日(星期一)之前通过链接报名
注意:每个公会、组织仅允许 2 名代表出席。参与者需要携带自己的电脑装备出席汇报会。
欲知更多详情,请联系 Fauzi (03- 6200 0464)/ Syafiqah (03- 6207 1090)/ Fairul (03-6207 1152)/ Afiqah (03- 6200 0469)。
