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20th China Shunde International Woodworking Machinery Fair (LunJiao)

MFC Secretariat

October 7, 2019

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The 20th China Shunde International Woodworking Machinery Fair (LunJiao) will be held of December 5 – 9, 2019, in LunJiao Exhibition Hall, Shunde District, Foshan City. Themed "Intelligent Development, Innovation Era", the exhibition will showcase woodworking machinery and equipment for intelligent, flexible automated production lines such for solid wood, panel, doors and window. Please click HERE for the official letter and registration form for your further action. For more information, please contact the MFC Secretariat June at +6016-260 2103 / 03-9282 2333. Please email or fax back the registration form latest by 30.10.2019. Thank you. 马来西亚家具总会(MFC)收到来自中国顺德(伦教)国际木工机械博览会的公函,邀请马来西亚家具业者参与将于2019年12月5-9日,假佛山市顺德区伦教展览馆举办的"第二十届中国顺德(伦教)国际木工机械博览会"。 此次博览会以"智能发展、创新时代"为主题,众多一线品牌自动化、智能化技术及产品将参与,也展示木工机械行业的自主创新成果。马来西亚家具总会将会组团参访上述博览会,依托博览会组委会累计的行业资源,相信能进一步推动国内外家具和木工机械行业商协会的联系;希望家具行业和木工机械能共聚一堂,分享行业发展经验。请点击 这里 以便您采取进一步行动的正式信函和注册表。 随函附上邀请函和报名表格供参考。有关博览会的疑问,请联络马来西亚家具总会秘书处 June +6016 260 2103 / 03-9282 2333,并请於30.10.2019日前将有关报名表格和汇款单条email 给。 谨此致谢。

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