Dear esteemed MFC members,
For your information, the JTKSM has released an FAQ in regards to the enforcement of the recently amended Employment Act 1955 since January 1, 2023 to assist you in adjusting to the new legislation.
Among the major changes related to this amended act are such as:
1) Employers are NOT ALLOWED to deduct the wages/ salary of their workers due to the reduction of the weekly working hours from 48 hours to 45 hours (Q 29);
2) Employment of Foreign Workers (Part I);
3) Employees with the salary exceeding RM 4,000 are not entitled to overtime, payment on rest days, payment on public holidays as well as termination benefits (Q 7);
4) The penalties under this amended act has been increased from a fine of RM 10,000 to RM 50,000 (Q 54)
For further enquiries, kindly refer to the FAQ attached or contact JTKSM at 03- 8886 5192/
NOTE: MFC urges all members to adhere to the recently amended act to avoid your company from being penalized by the authorities.
Thank You
MFC Secretariat 1955年雇佣法令修正案常见问题解答
诚致全体 MFC 会员:
谨此通知,人力资源部发布了关于1955 年雇佣法令修正案 的常见问题解答。有关法令已于2023 年 1 月 1 日生效。此常见问题解答中有几点需要特别留意:
1) 雇主不得因每周工作时间从 48 小时减少到 45 小时而扣除工人的工资。 (问题 29);
2) 雇佣外国工人(第一部分);
3) 工资超过 RM 4,000 的雇员无权获得加班费、休息日工资、公共假期工资以及解雇福利(问题 7);
4) 根据这项修正案的罚款已从 RM 10,000 增加 至 RM 50,000 (问题 54)
欲知更多详情,请参阅附件或致电联系 JTKSM 03-8886 5192 /
