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Notice to resume operation for Non-Essential Manufacturers and Retailers across all Phases 16.08.202

MFC Secretariat Team

For your information, the government has announced that beginning August 16, 2021 (Monday), furniture retailers and non-essential manufacturers across all phases are allowed to resume operation.

However there are certain requirements which must be followed:

A. Furniture retailers

MUST ENSURE that its customers have completed his vaccination (after 14 days from the second dose for Pfizer, AZ and Sinovac; and after 28 days from the single dose for Johnson & Johnson and Cansino) . Customers are REQUIRE TO SHOW their Covid-19 Digital Certification alongside the other SOP requirements.

B. Non-essential manufacturers

In order to resume operation, non-essential manufacturers in Phase 1 and 2 areas are allowed to resume operation based on the rate of their fully vaccinated workers:

1) 80% -100% of fully vaccinated workers to have 100% workers capacity onsite

2) 60% -79% of fully vaccinated workers to have 80% workers capacity onsite

3) 40% -59% of fully vaccinated workers to have 60% workers capacity onsite

Manufacturers and furniture retailers are required to declare the number and names of their fully vaccinated employees in the CIMS 3.0 system and upon declaration may download the latest approval letter to operate from 16.08.2021 onwards.

Additionally, RTK-Antigen Covid-19 test MUST ALSO be conducted every two weeks on all workers through self testing or at health facilities.

We call for all furniture retailers and manufacturers to be fully responsible by strictly obeying the SOP and new requirements by the government as it has the right to once again shutdown the entire premise and area for those found to be flouting the SOP.

For further information kindly refer to the attachment inserted or contact MITI (for manufacturers) at 03-6208 4949.

NOTE: ALL WORKERS are required to have a MySejahtera app and those whom are Yellow, Orange and Red status are NOT ALLOWED to work. ONLY those with BLUE status are allowed to work

Thank You

MFC Secretariat


谨此通知,政府刚宣布从 2021 年 8 月 16 日(星期一)起 ,所有阶段的家具零售商和非必要领域制造业允许恢复营运 。



必须遵守标准作业程序,包括要求顾客出示其完成疫苗接种认证,(辉瑞、阿斯利康和科兴第二剂疫苗接种后 14天,强生和康希诺单剂疫苗接种后28天 )。


第一阶段和第二阶段的非必要领域制造业可 根据员工完成疫苗接种率 来进行复工:

1)80% -100% 员工完成接种可以 100% 的劳动力恢复营运

2)60% -79% 员工完成接种可以 80% 的劳动力恢复营运

3)40% -59% 员工完成接种可以 60% 的劳动力恢复营运

制造商和家具零售商必须於 16.08.2021, 在 CIMS 3.0 系统内申报已完成疫苗接种的员工人数和姓名,并可在申报后 下载最新的 CIMS 复工批准信

此外,员工每两周还必须通过自行检测或在医疗中心进行 RTK-Antigen 病毒检测。

我们呼吁所有家具零售商和制造商必须严格遵守标准作业程序和新条规 ,政府有权再次关闭整个工作场所和区域,以对付违反标准作业程序的人。

欲知更多信息,请参阅附件或联系 MITI(制造业):03-6208 4949

备注:所有员工必须关注其 MySejahtera, 一旦出现黄色、橙色和红色状态的员工不允许工作。只有蓝色状态的员工才可以工作


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