Dear esteemed MFC members,
As you all know the Furniture China 2024 exhibition in Shanghai has just concluded. Based on the feedback we received by participating members in this year’s exhibition, they have requested that the Malaysian Pavilion at the exhibition to be continued in future editions.
Unfortunately, the participation of Furniture China is absent in MTC’s schedule for 2025.
Therefore, this survey is intended to gauge the feedback from all of you in order for MFC to fight for the continued participation at future Furniture China exhibitions including next year (2025).
Interested participants are welcomed to fill in the survey below by November 8, 2024 (Friday).
Thank You
MFC Secretariat
《2025 中国国际家具展~马来西亚馆》提案问卷调查
诚致全体 MFC 会员:
众所周知,2024上海国际家具展刚圆满结束。根据今年参展企业反馈,会员希望在来年的《2025 中国国际家具展》内继续保留马来西亚馆。
本次调查旨在收集大家的意见,以便马来西亚家具总会能向马来西亚木材理事会(MTC) 争取继续在《2025中国国际家具展》设立马来西亚馆。
恳请有兴趣参与此展会的业者,于 2024 年 11 月 8 日(星期五)前填妥以下调查问卷。
