Dear esteemed MFC members,
For your information, the Turkish government is conducting an anti-dumping investigation on plywood products from Malaysia since November 28, 2023.
The involved HS Codes are: (HS 4412.10 / 4412.31 / 4412.33 /4412.34/ 4412.39)
The reason why this investigation was initiated was due to evidence pointing out circumvention activities occurred through Malaysia after similar AD duties were imposed on the above-mentioned products from China earlier.
Therefore, MFC strongly urges members who are exporting to Turkey including those who are using the said products above to render their cooperation by answering the questionnaire by the Turkish government (refer to attachment) latest by December 28, 2023.
Please take note that the questionnaire forms are to be submitted as hard copy (signed) to the related authority below while the appendices can be submitted by soft copy via email to and also in CD/ DVD or pen drive.
Turkish Ministry of Commerce
General Directorate of Imports
Import Policies Monitoring and Evaluation Department
Address: Söğütözü Mah. 2176. St. No:63 Çankaya/ANKARA
Tel: +90 312 204 99 32, Fax: +90 312 212 87 65
KEP Address:
E-mail Address:
It has been notified by MITI that in the event the AD duties were imposed, Malaysian companies are complied to pay US$ 3.15/ kg of the investigated products.
For further enquiry, kindly contact MATRADE at 03- 6207 7077 (General Line) or 03- 6207 7566 / (Ms Hon Jia Xin)
Thank You
MFC Secretariat
诚致全体 MFC 会员:
谨此通知,土耳其政府从 2023 年 11 月 28 日起,对原产于马来西亚的胶合板产品,进行反倾销立案调查。
涉及的 HS 编码为:(HS 4412.10 / 4412.31 / 4412.33 /4412.34/ 4412.39)
因此,马来西亚家具总会强烈敦促使用上述产品,出口到土耳其的会员,在 2023 年 12 月 28 日前回答土耳其政府的调查问卷(见附件)予以配合。
备注:调查表应以硬拷贝形式(签名)提交给以下相关机构,而附件则可以通过电子邮件形式提交至,也可以以 CD/DVD 或随身碟形式提交。
Turkish Ministry of Commerce
General Directorate of Imports
Import Policies Monitoring and Evaluation Department
Address: Söğütözü Mah. 2176. St. No:63 Çankaya/ANKARA
Tel: +90 312 204 99 32, Fax: +90 312 212 87 65
KEP Address:
E-mail Address:
马来西亚投资、贸易及工业部(MITI)已通知,如果被征收反倾销税,马来西亚公司须支付每公斤 3.15 美元的费用(被调查产品)。
欲知更多详情,可联系 MATRADE:03-6207 7077(总线)或 03-6207 7566 / Ms Hon (
