For your information, MTIB will be participating a number of Wood & Lifestyle Fair (local) and international level exhibitions in 2022. The payment for the rental of the exhibition site and booth through a shell scheme shall be paid by MTIB and participants only need to pay a minimal fee.
The fee for the booth rental (3m x 3m / per booth) rate is:
1) RM 500 per booth for international level exhibitions
2) RM 350 per booth for Wood and Lifestyle Fair (local)
NOTE: Only TWO booths will be allowed per participant for every exhibition .
Interested participants are required to choose ONLY TWO events which they are interested to participate alongside the other details required by the form included.
Please submit the form by January 14, 2022 (Friday) to Puan Arizah binti Talha ( or Encik Sahruddin bin Mohd Zakrie ( .
For further details of the list of the events or other enquiries, kindly view the attachment provided or contact Puan Arizah (03-9282 2235 ext 1351) or Encik Sahruddin (03-9282 2235 ext 1207).
Thank You
MFC Secretariat
谨此通知,马来西亚木材工业局(MTIB)将在 2022 年参与多个 Wood & Lifestyle Fair(本地)以及国际展会。场地和展摊费用将由 MTIB 支付,而参展商只需支付最低费用。
展摊租金(3m × 3m / 每个展摊)为:
1)国际展会,每个展摊马币500 令吉
2)Wood & Lifestyle Fair (本地),每个展摊马币350令吉
注: 参展商只能在每个展会内申请两个展摊的费用
有兴趣参与者只能选择 两个 他们感兴趣参加的展会,同时填写表格中的其他资料。
请在 2022年1月14日前 把表格呈交给 Puan Arizah binti Talha ( 或 Encik Sahruddin bin Mohd Zakrie ( 。
欲知更多详情,请参阅附件或联系 Puan Arizah (03-9282 2235 ext 1351) or Encik Sahruddin (03-9282 2235 ext 1207)。